Introducing Life Light ONE


ONE Protocol

With Life Light ONE, choose any one of our 27 different protocols to have pre-loaded onto the device.  When the unit is powered on it will run the protocol and automatically turn off when the protocol is complete.  Turn the unit on again to run the protocol again.

NEW Protocol – Only available on Life Light ONE – Memory!  This protocol is being tested to help with memory related issues such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.  

The other 26 protocols can be found here.


Madison Chock and Evan Bates – Olympic Gold Medal winning Ice Dancers

As an athlete in my 30s, recovery is extremely important and I can say since I started using the Life Light products I have noticed a big improvement in my overall health from day to day.  Life Light is a definite edge over the competition and a worthy investment.

Stephen Piscotty – Oakland A’s  

“For most of my baseball career, I have had to play through the pain of chronic tendonitis. I have been frustrated with the lack of any ongoing effective treatment. After using Life Light’s low level light therapy system for a couple of months, my tendinitis appears to be healing and it feels sustainably better.”

Dr. Fred Workman, D.O., Sports Medicine Physician, Colorado Springs, CO 

“I have used Life Light both personally and while treating elite, world class athletes. My experience is all aspects of this device are far superior to other infrared/near infrared products available on the market.”

Erik Harris – Safety – San Francisco 49ers

“With the use of Life Light not only have I cut down my recovery time but I’ve also improved my mobility and strength. Life Light has been a game changer for me and I wish I would have found it sooner.”


I’m in my 70’s. Like three generations before me, I have been severely afflicted with arthritis in one of my hands. It had become so severe that twice in the last four years I’ve visited a hand surgeon to consider surgery for replacement of six joints on my right hand. About eight months ago my physician recommended Life Light. After the first month I was virtually pain-free and able to button shirts and pants, use my thumb to turn my razor off and on, pick up items such as silverware or hold a toothpick…all with no pain and no dropping those items. I’m amazed. 


I’ve had Rheumatoid Arthritis since the age of 26. I also have Fibromyalgia and Osteo Arthritis. For many years I was prescribed anti inflammatory medicine and still had to use a cane to walk. Tests revealed complications which were the result of 33 years of anti inflammatory medicines, so I had to go off all pain medication.  I began using light therapy three times a week. After my first 3 treatments, I could feel a difference. After two weeks, I felt better than I had in over 20 years. I no longer use a cane to walk, and I’m able to go on hikes, ride a bike, and go up and down stairs, which I was unable to do before Life Light.


I began suffering from joint pain in my knees due to arthritis several years ago. The pain was getting progressively worse, it hurt to walk and sleep was difficult. I was then introduced to Life Light and within a day I started to notice a difference. After a month my pain is reduced to the point I can walk without thinking about it and I sleep much better. All this with no drugs! Thank you Life Light!


For a limited time, Life Light is available for 50% OFF!